In this class, you will learn the alphabet, the verbs ser and estar, definite and indefinite articles, and vocabulary related to family members in Spanish. You will start building very simple sentences using this material.
In this class, you will learn common adjectives, prepositions, adverbs, conjunctions, and possessive adjectives. You'll also learn some basic words and expressions, numbers 1 through 5, and how to introduce yourself and ask questions in Spanish. We'll also explore how to talk about your favorite things.
In this class, you'll learn how to conjugate and use the verbs tener (to have), ir (to go), and hacer (to do/make) in the present tense. You'll also learn some nouns related to time, the days of the week, and numbers 6 through 10. Lastly, we'll explore vocabulary for places (lugares) and prepositions like a (to), while practicing how to talk about going to places in Spanish.
In this class, you'll learn vocabulary related to la casa (the house), practice using hay (there is/there are), and master the conjugation and use of regular Spanish verbs ending in -ar.
In this class, you'll learn regular verbs ending in -er and -ir and explore essential nouns that pair with these verbs. We'll cover key concepts like subjects and objects, the Spanish personal a, and the prepositions con (with) and sin (without). You'll also work with the adverbs mucho and poco, habit-related time expressions, and the basic use of the present tense. Finally, you'll refine your understanding of bueno, malo, bien, and mal.
In this class, you'll learn how to identify and name las partes del cuerpo (body parts) in Spanish and master numbers from 0 to 100. You'll also practice saying your age and telling time.
In this class, you'll learn how to talk about doing things at specific times in Spanish and dive into Spanish reflexive verbs, understanding how they work and when to use them in everyday conversations.
In this class, you'll learn vocabulary related to la ropa (clothes) and explore the prepositions por and para. We’ll cover the pronouns mí and ti and introduce the verb gustar (to please), so you can express likes and preferences.
In this class, we'll review the present tense, covering basic irregular verbs, regular verbs ending in -ar, -er, and -ir, as well as numbers, basic vocabulary, reflexive verbs, and gustar. You'll also write a short essay about yourself, entirely in Spanish!
In this class, you'll learn vocabulary related to food and drinks, as well as how to order food at a restaurant. You’ll also review the present tense, including reflexive verbs and gustar.
When you first start learning Spanish, you may hear that ser is used for permanent attributes and estar for temporary ones. However, that's not entirely accurate. In this class, you'll learn a lot of vocabulary and how to use ser and estar correctly.
In this class, you'll learn how to use comparatives and superlatives, as well as the preterite tense (pretérito perfecto), with a focus on the verbs ir (to go) and hacer (to do/make). You'll also learn the months of the year in Spanish.
In this class, you'll gain a strong understanding of key Spanish verbs in the preterite tense (pretérito perfecto), including ser (to be), estar (to be), and tener (to have). You'll also learn how to conjugate regular Spanish verbs in the preterite, with a focus on the most commonly used verbs.
In this class, you'll practice using the past tense in Spanish, reinforcing your understanding of key time expressions like antes (before), después (after), and durante (during). You’ll also learn how to use Spanish demonstrative adjectives and pronouns.
In this class, you'll practice the preterite tense and learn how to use two-verb constructions.
In this class, you'll practice the preterite tense and learn how to count to a million.
In this class, you'll practice the Spanish past tense and learn how to use hacer in impersonal constructions. You’ll also explore the four seasons (las cuatro estaciones) and the Spanish present progressive tense. Additionally, you'll master the difference between ir (to go) and irse (to leave).
In this class, you'll practice the Spanish past tense and learn how to use conocer and saber (both meaning 'to know,' but used in different contexts). You'll also learn how to express something, nothing, somebody, and nobody in Spanish, as well as how to use the adverbs también and tampoco.
In this class, we'll review the past tense, covering basic irregular verbs, regular verbs ending in -ar, -er, and -ir, along with descriptive vocabulary, two-verb constructions, impersonal constructions, and the present progressive tense. You'll also write a short essay using the past tense, entirely in Spanish!
In this class, we'll review and practice the Spanish past tense and read and discuss a medium-length text.
In this class, you will review the present and past tenses and learn how to conjugate the most important stem-changing verbs in the present tense.
In this class, you will learn how to conjugate and use the pretérito imperfecto tense.
In this class, you will learn how to choose between the preterite and imperfect tenses in situations where it is not clear which tense is more appropriate.
In this class, you will learn vocabulary related to restaurants, important adverbs, and the proper use of por and para as well as hubo and había. You will also practice your speaking skills using the present, preterite, and imperfect tenses.
In this class, you will learn about adverbs ending in -mente and ordinal numbers, and practice your speaking skills using the present, preterite, and imperfect tenses.
In this class, you will learn how to form the future tense with ir and how to use reflexive verbs in four tenses: present, pretérito perfecto, pretérito imperfecto, and future. You will also practice your speaking skills using these tenses.
In this class, you will learn vocabulary related to travel, common expressions with the verb tener, and how to conjugate and use the verbs traer and llevar. You will also practice your speaking skills using the present, preterite, imperfect, and future tenses.
In this class, you will learn how to identify direct objects in a sentence and use direct object pronouns. You will also practice your speaking skills using the present, preterite, imperfect, and future tenses.
In this class, we will review the present, preterite, imperfect, and future tenses. You will practice your speaking skills using these tenses and conclude by writing a short essay in the imperfect tense.
In this class, we will review the present, preterite, imperfect, and future tenses. You will practice your speaking skills using these tenses and engage with a medium-length text through reading and discussion.
En esta clase, vamos a repasar el presente simple, el pretérito perfecto, el pretérito imperfecto, el presente progresivo y el futuro formado con el verbo ir, y a mejorar su uso mediante la práctica conversacional.
En esta clase, vas a aprender a identificar los objetos directos e indirectos y a sustituirlos por el pronombre correspondiente. Además, vas a trabajar en tus habilidades orales mediante la práctica conversacional.
En esta clase, vas a aprender cómo funcionan los pronombres dobles y a conjugar los verbos decir y dar. Además, vas a trabajar en tus habilidades orales mediante la práctica conversacional.
En esta clase, vas a aprender a conjugar y a usar el futuro simple. Además, vas a trabajar en tus habilidades orales mediante la práctica conversacional.
En esta clase, repasaremos todas las preposiciones del español y algunos adverbios importantes. Además, trabajarás en tus habilidades orales mediante la práctica conversacional.
En esta clase, aprenderás a conjugar y usar los tiempos compuestos (con el verbo haber). Además, trabajarás en tus habilidades orales mediante la práctica conversacional.
En esta clase, aprenderás a usar los tiempos compuestos con los pronombres de objeto directo e indirecto. Además, trabajarás en tus habilidades orales mediante la práctica conversacional.
En esta clase, aprenderás a conjugar y a usar los verbos pedir y preguntar. Además, trabajarás en tus habilidades orales mediante la práctica conversacional.
En esta clase, repasaremos los pronombres de objeto, el futuro simple y los tiempos compuestos. Además, trabajarás en tus habilidades orales mediante la práctica conversacional y escribirás una breve redacción.
En esta clase, repasaremos los pronombres de objeto, el futuro simple y los tiempos compuestos. Además, trabajarás en tus habilidades orales mediante la práctica conversacional y aprenderás a relacionar los tiempos verbales del verbo haber con los tiempos compuestos.
En esta clase, repasaremos el presente simple, el pretérito perfecto, el pretérito imperfecto, el presente progresivo, el futuro, los tiempos compuestos y los pronombres de objeto. Además, trataremos de mejorar su uso mediante la práctica conversacional.
En esta clase, aprenderás a conjugar y usar el presente de subjuntivo. Además, trabajarás en tus habilidades orales mediante la práctica conversacional.
En esta clase, aprenderás a conjugar y usar el imperfecto de subjuntivo. Además, trabajarás en tus habilidades orales mediante la práctica conversacional.
En esta clase, aprenderás a usar los tiempos compuestos del modo subjuntivo. También aprenderás a usar los pronombres relativos y los adjetivos y pronombres posesivos. Además, trabajarás en tus habilidades orales mediante la práctica conversacional.
En esta clase, aprenderás a usar los diferentes tiempos condicionales del español. Además, trabajarás en tus habilidades orales mediante la práctica conversacional.
En esta clase, repasaremos el uso de los diferentes tiempos condicionales del español. Además, trabajarás en tus habilidades orales mediante la práctica conversacional.
En esta clase, aprenderás a conjugar y usar el imperativo. Además, trabajarás en tus habilidades orales mediante la práctica conversacional.
En esta clase, aprenderemos a usar la voz pasiva y algunos verbos similares a gustar. Además, trabajarás en tus habilidades orales mediante la práctica conversacional.
En esta clase, repasaremos la conjugación y el uso del subjuntivo, el condicional y el imperativo. Además, trabajarás en tus habilidades orales mediante la práctica conversacional y escribirás una breve redacción.
En esta clase, repasaremos la conjugación y el uso del subjuntivo, el condicional y el imperativo. Además, trabajarás en tus habilidades orales mediante la práctica conversacional y aprenderás las reglas de acentuación y los usos de se.