There is / there are
In Spanish, we use hay to express either there is or there are. It doesn't matter if it's masculine, feminine, singular, or plural:
Hay un piano. (There is a piano.)
Hay una guitarra. (There is a guitar.)
Hay unos pianos. (There are some pianos.)
Hay unas guitarras. (There are some guitars.)
To make a sentence negative, we just place the word no right before hay:
No hay un piano, no hay una guitarra, etc.
We have three options when we talk about things in our house:
Option 1: Hay una cocina grande en mi apartamento. (There is a large kitchen in my apartment.)
Option 2: Tengo una cocina grande en mi apartamento. (I have a large kitchen in my apartment.)
Option 3: Mi apartamento tiene una cocina grande. (My apartment has a large kitchen.)
Progress, Vol. 1
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