
1. Translate

m = male. f = female.

  1. The son is tired.
  2. I am tired.
  3. The cat (f) is red.
  4. The dog (m) is black.
  5. You (f) are short.
  6. She is happy.
  7. The brothers are tall.
  8. The cat (m) is small.
  9. The uncle is sad.
  10. The aunt is happy.

2. Translate

You decide the gender.

  1. You (formal, singular) are short.
  2. You (form., sing.) are tired.
  3. You (form., sing.) are angry.
  4. You (form., plural) are tired.
  5. You (form., pl.) are sad.
  6. You (form., pl.) are happy. (Plural of feliz is felices.)

3. Translate

If there is no translation shown, the name in Spanish is the same as in English (e.g. China = China).

  1. The mother is from Spain (España).
  2. The father is from Africa (África).
  3. The father is in New York (Nueva York).
  4. The mother is in Cuba.
  5. Madrid is in Spain.
  6. New York is in the USA (Estados Unidos).
  7. Paris is in France (Francia).
  8. The uncle is sad.
  9. The aunt is happy.
  10. I am from Pakistan.
  11. We are friends (amigos; we use ser!).
  12. You (form., pl.) are friends.
  13. The grandfather is from Nevada.
  14. The grandmother is from San Diego.
  15. They (f) are tall and big.
  16. They (m) are short and small.
  17. You (form., pl.) are from Spain.
  18. They (f) are tired.
  19. I am from Colombia.

4. Translate

  1. You are not sad.
  2. The brothers are not sad.
  3. You are not tall (m).
  4. The cat (f) is not red.
  5. You are not from New York.
  6. The dog (m) is not blue.
  7. You are not from China.
  8. You (form., sing.) are not happy.
  9. The mother is not tired.
  10. The girl is not from Canada.
  11. You (form., pl.) are not angry.
  12. They (f) are not angry.

5. Translate

  1. My uncle and my brother are tall.
  2. You (m) and your sister are friends.
  3. Mike and Sarah are from Madrid.
  4. Your dogs (f) and my cats (f) are friends.
  5. My dog (m) and your dog (m) are tall.
  6. His cat (f) is happy and your dog (m) is sad.
  7. Their cat (f) is green and your dog (f) is yellow.
  8. Our house is black and your house is white.

6. Translate

  1. My dog (m) is very happy.
  2. Your cat (f) is very sad.
  3. His cat (m) is very tired.
  4. My father's cat (f) is not very tired.
  5. My sister's dog (m) is not very tall.
  6. Their uncle and my aunt are very happy. (Remember the plural of feliz has a spelling change.)
  7. Her son and my daughter are very tired.

7. Fill in the blanks using ser or estar

Yo ________ de España, pero mis hermanos ________ de Francia. Mi madre ________ de Madrid y mi padre ________ de Barcelona. Mi madre ________ alta y mi padre ________ bajo. Mis hermanos ________ altos y grandes. La casa de mis padres _________ grande. La casa ________ en Ibiza. El carro de mi padre ________ negro.

8. Translate

  1. Your dogs are black.
  2. The grandfather is in Argentina.
  3. The cousins are from Chile.
  4. Some aunts are tired.
  5. You (form., sing.) are sad.
  6. A grandson is angry.
  7. Your house is white and my house is red.
  8. Your dogs are happy.
  9. Her sister and my daughter are friends.
  10. My (m) cousin is from Peru.
  11. My (f) cousin is in Chile.
Progress, Vol. 1
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