"The bright spot of my week!"
"Highly recommended"
"Practical and comprehensive"

Spanish classes in Las Cruces

Take Spanish classes near Las Cruces with an online teacher. All our classes are live and synchronous.

Unlimited, grammar-intensive live classes
FREE for the first 15 days
$99/month after that
Cancel any time with two clicks
A student taking a live online Spanish class

How it works

1. Find a class that works for you and enroll. You can book more classes now or later.
2. Follow the instructions to join the video conference room on the day of your class.

Reviews from our students

John Miller
star 3.0
I did not realize this was an online zoom course; and the course was ultimately cancelled and I couldn't choose another option as none of them worked with my schedule. The actual course is good and functioned as expected. There was no demand to actually do the homework; so it felt like it was too easy to cruise through, though. which is my one complaint about the actual class.
star 4.0
Some teachers did a better job of speaking more in Spanish than others. But consistency is good amongst courses.
Penda Archer
star 5.0
The course material was presented in an easy-to-follow manner. I learned at a nice pace and never felt confused or overwhelmed. The instructor explained the nuances of the language (for example, when to use ser vs estar). This is not an easy concept to learn from an app! The end result is that the grammatical rules make sense. I loved it!
Julia Austin
star 5.0
This is an amazing course, I have learned so much! I have tried several different teachers throughout and all did an excellent job of teaching. Highly recommend whether you have any experience or not.
Melissa Cahill
star 5.0
I liked the course. It's structured so that you learn enough to start conversing right away which is important to me as speaking is where I struggle the most. The homework is challenging but not too much. I can just do a little bit every day.
Robert Tansey
star 5.0
Great course with great instructors! The Berges Graf Method just works. The beginning course is heavy on grammar and vocabulary and is conducted in English. There are 10 units in the curriculum, and a homework assignment at the end of each unit that is reviewed at the following lesson. The instructors go above and beyond the class materials and make the class interesting. The classes are online and small (up to 5 people) and the instructors get all the students involved. Highly recommended!


Between 4 and 10, usually.
Most students at Berges are between 25 and 70 years old, although we have many students who are younger or older than that.
Nope, we speak mostly in English in Levels 1 and 2, and then progressively add more and more Spanish. Conversation classes are 100% in Spanish.
Yes! All our classes are via Zoom. The system will email you the link every time you book a class.

Berges in the press