Volver a: Here's how it works

Dan Berges • Jun 1, 2023 • 1 minute
Updated Jan 31, 2024
Volver a: Here's how it works

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Volver means the same as regresar: to return or to come back. Here are some examples:

Juan came back yesterday.

Juan regresó ayer.

Juan volvió ayer.

When are you coming back?

¿Cuándo regresas?

¿Cuando vuelves?

I returned to Los Angeles.

Regresé a Los Ángeles.

Volví a Los Ángeles.

Volver, however, has a very specific meaning when we use it in conjunction with the preposition a. The expression volver a means to do something again. We have to be very careful when using it: while in English we use an adverb (again), volver a in Spanish is still a verb, so we have to conjugate it. Let’s see some examples:

I called Mary again.

Volví a llamar a Mary.

I am reading this book again.

Estoy volviendo a leer este libro.

I have ordered the same pizza again.

He vuelto a pedir la misma pizza.

James did it again.

James lo volvió a hacer.

Eliza visited me again last year.

Eliza me volvió a visitar el año pasado.

The meaning in Spanish is the same as the meaning in English, but, again, we have to be very careful when using this expression, as we always have to conjugate the verb volver.

Practice - Translate the following sentences into Spanish

1. I am watching this movie again.

2. I have bought the same computer again.

3. They said it again.

4. I sent Peter a letter again.

5. John visited your friend again last week.


Correct answers for Practice - Translate the following sentences into Spanish:

1. Estoy volviendo a ver/mirar esta película. 2. He vuelto a comprar la misma computadora. 3. Ellos lo volvieron a decir. 4. Volví a enviar una carta a Peter. 5. John volvió a visitar a tu amigo/a la semana pasada.

Dan Berges
Dan Berges

Dan Berges is the Managing Director of Berges Institute, and author of The Graf Method for Spanish Language along with Vanessa Montilla.

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