In this volume, we discuss the alphabet, definite and indefinite articles, and verbs ser and estar, among other topics.
This week we just wanted to post a quick reminder of how double pronouns work in Spanish. (There’s nothing shocking about it, sorry for the clickbait!)
Here it is, super summarized:
0. Object pronouns go right before the verb (except in some specific cases we won’t be discussing today).
1. There are verbs that accept a direct object (and this is called the accusative case, as in I accuse him). DOs can be things or people. (I accuse him / I accuse it). Other common verbs: llamar (for people), comprar (for things), mirar (for people or things).
Pronouns are me, te lo/la, nos, os, los/las. (Yo la acuso, él me acusa, etc.)
2. There are verbs that accept an indirect object (and this is called the dative case, from dar, to give, as in I give something to her or I give her something). IOs are always people. Other common verbs: decir, mostrar, explicar.
Pronouns are me, te, le, nos, os, les. (Yo le doy una cosa, él me da una cosa, etc.)
Notice the difference is in the third person: I accuse her -> Yo la acuso. I give her something -> Yo le doy una cosa.
3. Verbs that accept an indirect object also accept a direct object, as we have to give/say/show/explain something to someone. So we can substitute ‘una cosa’ for lo/la/los/las. But which pronoun goes first, the IO or the DO one? Here’s how it works:
-The IO pronoun (the one for the person) goes first.
-If the IO pronoun is in the third person (le or les) we use se instead.
She gives it to me -> Ella me lo da.
I give it to her -> Yo se lo doy.
That’s it! If you want to drill this until exhaustion, sign up for Level 4!
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