Here's a list of presidential election related terms, in case you haven't talked about it enough in English and you want to also discuss it in Spanish.
Elecciones presidenciales (plural!) – Presidential election
El/la candidato/a – The candidate
La campaña – The campaign
El partido político – The political party
El voto – The vote/the ballot
Voto presencial – In-person vote
Voto por correo – Mail-in vote
Votar – To vote
Ganar – To win
La urna – The ballot box
El/la presidente/a – The president
El/la vicepresidente/a – The vicepresident
El debate – The debate
El/la moderador(a) – The moderator
Los votantes – The voters
Los estados “bisagra” – The swing states
Contar – Count
El recuento – The recount
Los resultados – The results
A false friend (sort of):
Colegio electoral (non capitalized) – School used as a polling place
Colegio Electoral (capitalized, and in US context) – Electoral College
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