Guitar vocabulary in Spanish

Berges Institute • Aug 30, 2021 • 1 minute
Updated Aug 7, 2023
Guitar vocabulary in Spanish

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It seems like 2020 was an amazing year for guitar manufacturers. Fender sold more guitars last year than any other year in the company’s history. The NYT said “the guitar is back” (or “la guitarra ha vuelto”, in its Spanish version). Whether you have already got yourself a guitar during the pandemic or you haven’t yet, here’s a vocab list of all the different parts, so you can talk about your present or future guitar in Spanish.

Clavijero – Headstock

Clavijas – Tuners

Cejuela – Nut

Cuerdas – Strings

Mástil – Neck

Diapasón – Freatboard

Trastes – Frets

Caja – Body

Puente – Bridge

Boca – Soundhole

Fabricante – Manufacturer

Luthier – Luthier

Cejilla – Capo

Correa – Strap

Nylon – Nylon

Acero – Steel

Púa – Pick

Dedos – Fingers

Uñas – Nails

Golpeador – Pickguard

Pastillas/Micrófonos – Pickups

Acorde – Chord

Rasgueo – Strum

Solo – Solo

Shred – Shred

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